Djurgården table runner - Klässbols Linneväveri

Djurgården table runner

From: 685 SEK


Pure linen

Runners length

45 x 110 cm

Designers Josef Edvinsson
Klässbols Linneväveri royal supplier

Djurgården linnen runner are like any other of our products woven in our weave mill in Klässbol of finest linen. If you handle it properly, you can enjoy it for many years. In fact, it is difficult to find any other textiles than linen that has such high quality, so durable, environmentally friendly and perceived more beautiful the more time goes by. Therefore, Klässbol’s linen products fit for parties as well as everyday, to young, old or middle of life. If you have begun to use linen products, you rarely change them. To get the most out of our linen products, design is also important. Therefore, we always work with talented and recognized designers. If you have a favorite product, you may also like this designer’s other products.

Feel free to combine Djurgården runner with any of our linen products to maximize your experience.

Krympmån: Alla angivna storlekar avser otvättad vävnad. Räkna med en krympmån på cirka 5-7% både på längd och bredd i samband med första tvätten. Följ tvättinstruktionen.


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