Find our stores Opening hours easily
Whether you are planning a visit today or tomorrow it is good to know where to find our opening hours. Here are four of the best ways:
1. Google Klässbols Linneväveri or Klässbols Stockholm and google will give you the right info.
2. Our website, up in the main menu on Klässbols.
3. Facebook, in the menu on the left under the logo, stores.
4. Call us in Klässbol on 0570-46 01 85 and Klässbol Stockholm 08-612 31 00.
Opening Hours right now:
Weaving mill, showroom and store i Klässbol:
Monday – Friday open 10-18
Saturday – Sunday open 10-16
Extra open:
Saturday 7 oktober 10-16
Klässbols Stockholm Sveavägen 104:
Tuesday – Friday 11-18
Extra open:
Saturday 30 oktober
Saturday 27 November
Every Saturday in December except New Years Eve
A warm welcome!