Helena Bengtsson - Klässbol's Linneväveri

Helena Bengtsson

Helena Bengtsson

Helena Bengtsson's entrance as a designer for Klässbols Linneväveri began with a pattern for the Värmlands Museum.

Helena then continued to work with identity-creating patterns also for the Rackstad Museum in Arvika (RackstadStjärnan) and Karlstad and Hammarö municipalities (' Stenbron in Karlstad' and 'Hammarösegel'), which she considers to be very fun assignments.

A quote from Helena Bengtsson: "It's also fun to develop the Värmland theme further in Klässbol's range. I draw our landscape flower "Forest Star" here as a classic mattress star, which comes out in the new era in Klässbol's fine linen qualities."

"Fantastic to be able to work with a company that is so close to me, both in terms of craftsmanship and geographically. We meet with a sense of materials and Värmland knowledge!”

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